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Healing & Maturity | Physically Spiritual S3 E25

This episode of Physically Spiritual explores what it means to grow into the full stature of Christ.

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0:30 St. Thérèse of Lisieux Healing

6:30 The Healing Journey

8:45 Full Maturity in Christ

12:45 Parenting, Trauma, & Maturity

26:15 Relational Circuits

30:00 Immanuel Journaling


Dr. Edward Sri, Into His Likeness, Ignatius Press: 2018. 89 - 90 -

Ephesians 4: 11-15 - “And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the extent of the full stature of Christ, so that we may no longer be infants, tossed by waves and swept along by every wind of teaching arising from human trickery, from their cunning in the interests of deceitful scheming. Rather, living the truth in love, we should grow in every way into him who is the head, Christ,” -

Full Maturity Includes Physical Maturity, Emotional Maturity, and Spiritual Maturity

Maturity Happens in Relationship

I don’t just sit in a corner a become mature

“By calling God "Father" [...] the language of faith thus draws on the human experience of parents, who are in a way the first representatives of God for man. But this experience also tells us that human parents are fallible and can disfigure the face of fatherhood and motherhood. [...] although he is their origin and standard: no one is father as God is Father.” - Catechism of the Catholic Church 239,

The next three quotes are from Jim Wilder, Renovated: God Dallas Willard, & the Church that Transforms, Ch. 3 -

“When people were traumatized they stopped maturing in the area of their identity altered by trauma. Traumas come from two sources: bad things that should not happen, and necessary good things that did not happen. Both sources left people alone with critical needs at critical times. It proved relatively easy to resolve trauma from bad things that happened, ensuring that the person was no longer alone in their troubles converted trauma, alone and frozen in pain, back to suffering. [...] It was much harder to correct trauma when crucial good things did not happen. [...] Even once a trauma was resolved, the person was still no more mature than they were before. Maturity development must be restarted from where growth was stopped by trauma.”

Mutualmind = Emotional Attunement

“When two minds tune their mindsight on each other, it creates a state of mutual mind. Dr. Allen Schore uses the classical term intersubjectivity when describing mutual mind and how it creates our identities. Mutual mind states synchronize human thought, motivation, energy, and activities by helping two brains experience the same internal state of activation together and in real time.”

“The brain system that creates mindshight and mutual mind is the same one that regulates our relational energy. This mechanism that creates mutualmind begins operation when we are five months old. As this relational engagement system grows, it learns to self regulate. What Dallas calls emotional maturity then is self-regulation, and, for the brain, self regulation, emotional maturity is deeply relational. What of spiritual maturity? Dallas just said that spiritual and normal human emotional maturity regulate our relational energy. Spiritual and emotional maturity must then use the same brain functions.“

“As children develop, their brains "mirror" their parent's brain. In other words, the parent's own growth and development, or lack of those, impact the child's brain. As parents become more aware and emotionally healthy, their children reap the rewards and move toward health as well.” Daniel Siegel, The Whole-Brain Child -

ISight = Mutual Mind with God - The recognition that God is present, truly good, and perseveres in doing good for us.

Joy = Pervasive state of well being in God’s Kingdom (Dallas Willard)

Peace = Low Energy Joy (Jim Wilder)

Joy = High Energy Peace (Jim Wilder)

The goal is not healing. The goal is connection with the Lord. Healing is a means to an end, and we are healed in relationship and for relationship.

Level 1 – Attachment (Connection to Personally Meaningful People)

Thalamus (Collects sensory data [except smell], sleep, wakefulness, arousal, awareness)

Basal Ganglia (eye movement, motivation, value)

Level 2 – Basic Evaluation (Safe or Scary, Familiar or Foreign) Scary & Alone -> Disconnection

Amygdala (smell/pheromone processing, emotional learning, reward anticipation, memory modulation)

Level 3 – Create Mutual Mind States (attunement) & Feeling Understood

Cingulate Cortex (Interconnection of limbic system, pain perception, initiating movement, recall autobiographical & emotional memories,

Level 4 – Executive Control

Right Orbital Prefrontal Cortex (Personal Identity, Captaining, Quiet Reactions, Flexibility)

Immanuel Journal

  1. Our Words – Gratitude

  2. Prayer to hear God’s Voice

  3. God’s Response – Thought Rhyming

I can see you (Addresses Level 1 & 2)

  1. External Observation

  2. Internal Observation

I can hear you (Addresses Level 3)

  1. God says back what he “hears” from you

  2. The unspoken words of your mind (whatever arises)

I can understand how hard this is for you (Addresses Level 4)

  1. I understand how “big” this is

I am glad to be with you

  1. I treat your weaknesses tenderly

I can do something about what you are going through

  1. How God will help us

Wilder, Kang, Loppnow, & Loppnow, Joyful Journey: Listening to Immanuel, Shepherd’s House: 2015. -

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